Know The Dangers
Website Design & Digital Campaigns
What began as a Minnesota initiative to raise awareness about the dangers of synthetic drugs became the state’s hub for information on opioid use, harm reduction, and treatment.
With such a multi-faceted, ever-evolving issue that touches so many lives, we needed to create a brand and website with legs. To ensure a path for growth, I established a clean visual identity that allowed for flexibility depending on the message and target audience and created a website with reusable, customizable content modules.
Today, after gaining more attention and funding, the website offers stories of hope, guidance on starting recovery, tips for affected loved ones, educational pieces for the public, and helpful resources such as instructions for administering naloxone, a lifesaving drug, and an interactive map that helps people find it.
Website Design
WordPress Web Build
Visual Brand Identity
Social Graphics
Ad Design
Graphic Design
Design System
Repeatable, Customizable Landing Page Templates & Content Modules
Knowing initiatives would continue to be added to Know The Dangers, I designed and built reusable templates and content modules on WordPress to create the website. Having this flexibility helped address community needs as they arose, especially for those initiatives with big goals but not the largest budgets.
Recovery Campaign
Relate, inspire hope, and help people start recovery.
Besides educating and providing helpful resources, the ultimate goal of Know The Dangers is to expose people to treatment and recovery options. I created digital ads leading to a comprehensive landing page on the topic.
Social Content
Educate and assist active users and affected others.
As part of the recovery campaign, we created helpful and informative social content for those struggling to quit opioid use and for their friends and family who need to know things like signs of an overdose.
Naloxone Finder Campaign
Increasing access to naloxone, a lifesaving drug.
Getting naloxone into people’s hands is one of the most effective ways to reduce overdoses. To do that, we created an ad campaign driving traffic to an interactive map of where to find naloxone in Minnesota.
User Flow
Beyond helping people find naloxone, we also wanted to educate. Users would click on a display or search ad, use the map to find naloxone, and access resources on how to administer it.
Fake Pills Awareness Campaign
Making the complex clear and compelling.
More and more young people are dying of unexpected drug overdose, often from fentanyl-laced fake pills.
Cheap and extremely potent, fentanyl is a drug cartel’s best friend. It can be combined with fillers and pressed into what looks like prescription pills for a fraction of the price. This has led to a flooded market full of phoney pills that can easily kill.
So, how do you tell teens the XANAX they think they’re buying might actually be a deadly fake pill without sounding like a concerned mother? You speak to them honestly in a way that grabs their attention.
I created eye-catching graphics and animations that asked the casual drug user a simple question—“Are your pills legit?” The follow-up is meant to create uncertainty and a desire to learn more—“Your dealer doesn’t know.”
User Flow
Digital ads led to a landing page with more informative content, including information on the lifesaving drug naloxone, where to find it, and how to use it.
Social Content
I made eye-catching illustrations and graphics that iterated on the style and tone of the ad campaign to be shared on social media platforms.
To create awareness out “in the wild,” I designed shareable stickers and posters depicting the campaign message.